Wednesday 15 June 2011

Buying Levis Jeans

Let me tell you, picking out jeans that fit right is hard and takes a good 20 minutes

4 TYPES OF customers

1.  The window shopper

. The window shoppers come in big groups of friends or with the whole family; they have no intention of spending 20 minutes trying on jeans. They make a very fast round through the shop and exit.

sales assistant hint: DO not bother...just smile at a distance. they ain't buying nothing.

2. Unplanned spenders

Unplanned spenders are loaded but walk in rather aimlessly by themselves or with a girlfriend. They look at jeans, they look at blouses, then they browse through shoes, and if you’re lucky they happen to like a belt. They’ll get it and GO.

sales assistant hint: everything they touch looks "so good on them". Remind every second!

3. Target shopper

The target shopper knows what she wants, what she is looking for. She wants a Skinny, DEmi Curve pair in a size 28...and then she’ll look at you (the assistant) to pick out the size. Don’t hover, don’t follow around, don’t ask questions, don’t bloody try to sell them things in their face.

sales assistant hint: KNOW your STUFF

4. The I-have-no-clue-please-HELP-me shopper

This aunty will walk in very slowly with the most confused expression on her face, you would think she walked into the wrong shop. Then she admits it has been 10 years since her last pair of jeans.They take everything you say as gospel truth (I don’t lie or anything) and are always willing to listen to your expertise.

sales assistant hint: NEVER lie!....crap with confidence!