Saturday, 4 April 2020

How my Health has been affected by the MCO 2020

Hello reader, hope your hair isn't falling about all over the floor. It isn't? great! I'd like to record how certain aspects of my health have been affected since the Movement Control Order (MCO), so if you're here for it, read on. 

In terms of weight, I don't think I've gained much during the MCO just because every day it's the basic three meals (sometimes breakfast blends into lunch) plus a tea time snack. No one is really buying things to snack on throughout the day like crisps or anything apart from the occasional KitKat or payasam (ready made mix). 

I realise I was more prone to piling on the kilos while working because food was everywhere; at work (staffroom snacks) or very easily available in restaurants or food stalls in the area. With the restricted movement order now, we mostly eat what we cook, and if no one cooks, food is ordered specifically for meal times. Hence, it doesn't allow for excess consumption or over eating. That is a plus. 

Guy Treadmill GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYAs for activity, any regular physical movement of any kind has significantly reduced. I say regular because, occasional cleaning and cooking forces you to break a sweat, but this is not sustained or constant and I'm sure some physical changes like the rapid development of a flabby tummy is a result of this. At the moment, there has not been any motivation to improve on the exercise management. Will work on that. 

Cute white girl with acne problem — Stock Vector © zkruger #192457140My skin is in a rather new predicament that I'm trying to resolve. Recently, (after a change in facial products) I experienced some good skin and enjoyed it for about 3 weeks until I came home to find myself breaking out in painful red acne all over my T-zone. I tried to maintain the product-use, but realised quickly that there had to be another factor making it worse. At first I thought it was the water. However, none of my other family members seemed to be suffering facial issues. Next, I thought it was a symptom of PMS, but my face never quite cleared up when it should have. Earlier today, I remembered, that I had been a vegetarian (90% of the time) before coming home, and since being in Klang I have basically become a meat eater again. 
10 noteworthy vegetarian cartoon characters | Diverse Tech GeekI am not 100% sure that this acne is a consequence of the abrupt change in diet, but since I'm eliminating factors, I've decided to get back on the vege-friendly menus with the hope that it will improve. Wish me luck. 

Watar GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYWater drinking is also upsettingly irregular. There are days when I make my personal goal of 2 litres and others when I end up cramming my water intake late at night just to make the quota and I'm sure it doesn't quite work that way. As a result, I've been suffering from incredibly dry and peeling (at times bleeding) lips. As an immediate remedy I've resorted to applying a delicious coconut oil lip balm over them to prevent myself from constantly biting at them (as strange as this sounds) 

Well, that's about it folks. Thanks for reading. May or may not do a part 2 to let you know if anything changes. 

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