Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Organic Food!

Despite the exciting looking title

I was walking through the ORganiccc section in the Jusco supermarket....

Maybe you remember how organic food started gaining popularity? started with plain ol vegetables,....grown without pesticide...natural fertilizers....
It made us STOP AND THINK....about our suspiciously green vegetables...

okay fine...

But now, there's organic EVERYTHING

What the?!?!

So what have we been drinking all the while? Plastic cow milk??

TRY the Organic Cow....its realll...

Fine, this cow was given organic veges to eat...
the world was becoming more health conscious UNTILLL 

some things didn't make sense....

like eggs....

At the end of the day, just wash your vegetables under running water, and you'll have a long healthy life.
Yes I know that was a horrible conclusion to this awkward article. 


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